Feb 25, 2005

GT 4 you.

These past few days have been ones of fear and fun, however those two go together, go figure. Sock assassins was well under way and i was yet to get my first victim, but i didn't worry until i heard that one guy already had six people, including edward. Hahahahaha. It was then that i found out that matt had the guy that was trying to get me, so i set up the brilliant plan for him to jump out and get the dude while he's trying to get me. Then matt would have my name, and i'd just take one for the team so he could get a double kill. The plan worked perfectly, even better than i had imagined it, and now i'm out of sock assassins, but for a good cause. And now i can open my door again. What did i do while locked away in my room? John bought gran turismo 4 and so we've invested a great deal of time into that and we've gotten some sick ass cars so i figure that my time has been well spent.
Tonight was pretty fun. First, when we were at dinner at edwards, we saw that they had cupcake decorating, so we jumped at the chance. I was basically the only guy there when i sat down for whatever reason, but then edward joined me, and sara, but she doesn't really count as a guy for obvious reasons. The decorating was fun and we each got 5 cupcakes for it, and sara's led to her eventual downfall in sock assassins. R.I.P. Then we went and hooped it up at the rec center where craig (benedict arnold) traded teams again, but him and two other asian kids beat brian matt and i. Then we played a little pig and then just tossed up some half court shots. I tried a full court, two-handed shot and it went off the front of the rim, so i was pretty bummed about that, but all that tore up my shoulder, so i'll be feeling it later for sure.
That's really about it from here. I know i had more to say, but this is surely enough. Good night.

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